3d systems software control x tn 0

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3d systems software control x tn 0
123D DesignNoviziWindows, Mac e iOSGratuito123x, step, stl, x3d, vrml
3D SlashNoviziWindows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi o BrowserGratuito, 24€/anno Premium3dslash, obj, stl
Photoshop CCNoviziWindows e Mac142 €/anno3ds, dae, kmz, obj, psd, stl, u3d
SculptGLNoviziBrowserGratuitoobj, ply, sgl, stl
SelfCADNoviziBrowserGratuito trial 30 gg, $9.99/meseSTL, MTL, PLY, DAE, SVG
TinkerCADNoviziBrowserGratuito123dx, 3ds, c4d, mb, obj, svg, stl
Clara.ioIntermedioBrowserGratuito, Premium da $100/anno3dm, 3ds, cd, dae, dgn, dwg, emf, fbx, gf, gdf, gts, igs, kmz, lwo, rws, obj, off, ply, pm, sat, scn, skp, slc, sldprt, stp, stl, x3dv, xaml, vda, vrml, x_t, x, xgl, zpr
FreeCADIntermedioWindows, Mac e LinuxGratuitostep, iges, obj, stl, dxf, svg, dae, ifc, off, nastran, Fcstd
MakeHumanIntermedioWindows, Mac, LinuxGratuitodae, fbx, obj, STL
MeshmixerIntermedioWindows, Mac e LinuxGratuitoamf, mix, obj, off, stl
Moment of Inspiration (MoI)IntermedioWindows e Mac266 €3ds, 3dm, dxf, fbx, igs, lwo, obj, skp, stl, stp and sat
OpenSCADIntermedioWindows, Mac e LinuxGratuitodxf, off, stl
SculptrisIntermedioWindows e MacGratuitoobj, goz
SketchUpIntermedioWindows e MacGratuito, 657€ Prodwg, dxf, 3ds, dae, dem, def, ifc, kmz, stl
3ds MaxProfessionaleWindows2.141,70 €/ anno, disponibili licenze educationalstl, 3ds, ai, abc, ase, asm, catproduct, catpart, dem, dwg, dxf, dwf, flt, iges, ipt, jt, nx, obj, prj, prt, rvt, sat, skp, sldprt, sldasm, stp, vrml, w3d xml
AutoCADProfessionaleWindows e Mac1400 €/annodwg, dxf, pdf
BlenderProfessionaleWindows, Mac e LinuxGratuito3ds, dae, fbx, dxf, obj, x, lwo, svg, ply, stl, vrml, vrml97, x3d
MudboxProfessionaleWindows e Mac85 €/annofbx, mud, obj
OnshapeProfessionaleWindows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android2.400 €/anno, disponibili versioni gratuite e particolari offerte businesssat, step, igs, iges, sldprt, stl, 3dm, dae, dfx, dwg, dwt, pdf, x_t, x_b, xxm_txt, ssm_bin
PoserAvanzatoWindows, MacStandard $129.99, Pro $349.99cr2, obj, pz2
Rhino3DProfessionaleWindows e Mac195€ Educational, 995€ Commercial Win, 495 Commercial Mac3dm, 3ds, cd, dae, dgn, dwg, emf, fbx, gf, gdf, gts, igs, kmz, lwo, rws, obj, off, ply, pm, sat, scn, skp, slc, sldprt, stp, stl, x3dv, xaml, vda, vrml, x_t, x, xgl, zpr
ZBrushProfessionaleWindows e MacEducational 400€, Commercial 720€ (singolo utente)dxf, goz, ma, obj, stl, vrml, x3d
CATIAIndustrialeWindowsDa 7.180 €; disponibili versioni educational3dxml, catpart, igs, pdf, stp, stl, vrml
Fusion 360IndustrialeWindows e Mac499.80 €/anno, disponibili versioni educationalcatpart, dwg, dxf, f3d, igs, obj, pdf, sat, sldprt, stp
InventorIndustrialeWindows e Mac2,910 €/anno3dm, igs, ipt, nx, obj, prt, rvt, sldprt, stl, stp, x_b, xgl
SolidworksIndustrialeWindows9.950 €, disponibili versioni educational3dxml, 3dm, 3ds, eZmf, amf, dwg, dxf, idf, ifc, obj, pdf, sldprt, stp, stl, vrml
T-FLEXIndustrialeWindows2600€ licenza lifetime3dm, igs, parasolid, PDF, XDB, emf. wmf,STEP,Acis,JT,PRC,STL,PLY,OBJ,VRML,PDF 3D,U3D,X3D,POV-Ray,3MF,Open Inventor,Crystal Reports,IFC,BMP,JPG,PNG,GIF, TIFF,SolidWorks,Catia,IDeas

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